Our approach

We use web technology to further our clients’ goals.

We select suitable technology for each application. Our depth of experience allows us to align our processes with your culture and project. Here is our modified waterfall process for a straightforward web application.


The starting point for any engagement is to understand your needs, both immediate and longer term. Depending on the scope, a casual conversation may be enough to get clarity, but we’re well-prepared to develop a business plan to justify a technology investment, if desired.


During the project kick-off meeting, we will establish the success criteria and a mutually-agreeable methodology. We have proven skills ranging from agile to waterfall methodologies.


Next, we will next elicit the functional and non-functional requirements, which play a large part in determining the optimal technical solution and project scope. We’re also skilled in iterative development, when appropriate.


Once we have a solid understanding of the project scope and user needs, our team of designers start with a sitemap, wireframing and creating mockups. In this phase, we focus on the aesthetic and usability aspects of the design, ensuring that it aligns with your brand and user expectations.


Our team of developers take the requirements and mockups and convert them into a functional website. Throughout the process, we perform quality assurance, then present the work regularly for your input. We provide you with access to a copy of the site to review and interact with. Content creation is undertaken in parallel and added to the work in progress.


Once the site is complete, we ask you to undertake a thorough review with your stakeholders. We remain on hand to make any additions or revisions you request. Upon receiving sign off, we make the site available on the internet.


A successful website is never complete. After the website has been launched, we’re more than happy to provide ongoing maintenance and support, from ensuring the site remains functioning as intended, to participating in ongoing development.


“Trevor at CurrentDesign was instrumental in assisting us in developing a custom CMS and database system.... I highly recommend that you discuss your CMS needs with Trevor to see what type of solution he can provide for you.”
- Daryl Reynolds, BC Association of Kinesiologists
“Trevor and the team at CurrentDesign collaborated with our us to turn our vision into an elegant and easy-to-use website that meets our project’s needs. The process was organized and efficient. CurrentDesign has continued to support our website's development post-launch. They are easy to get in touch with and when responding to requests they provide valuable suggestions and easy-to-understand solutions."
- Gillian Bever, GF Strong Rehabilitation Research Lab, University of British Columbia
".... The project was delivered within the original cost estimate, and CurrentDesign has continued to support the site after launch.”
- Rob Newman, Sport BC
“CurrentDesign delivers professional high quality service.... Trevor was able to ... ensure the website was launched ahead of schedule and within budget. CurrentDesign has my strongest recommendation.”
- Cathy Eustace, Canadian Bobath Instructors Association
“CurrentDesign collaborated with our advertising agency on the development of the BeFraudAware app. Trevor was an integral part of the team who recommended and implemented technical solutions that allowed us to realize our project goals, budget and timelines.”
- Ken Gracey, British Columbia Securities Commission
“Trevor’s understanding of web technologies, his business-focused approach, and his expertise in communication/project management have been absolutely crucial to the successes of our web projects over the years.”
- Mike Quinn, Ryders Eyewear