Without attention, a website may lose value due to it
- becoming unavailable on the internet due to server failure
- becoming infected with malware
- no longer presenting the current brand and identity, as the company evolves
- containing out of date content
- appearing stale and old-fashioned to visitors, as technology and website best practices advance
- becoming buried in search engine results, as competitors hone their sites for improved rankings
Our maintenance product addresses these issues, with levels of attention ranging from the reactive to proactive, according to the needs of a particular site.
The Basic product is intended to provide minimal, reactive support for the busy small business owner or hobbyist. We will notify you promptly if there are problems with the site, and obtain approval to take remedial action.Our basic maintenance plan includes: – Uptime monitoring – Malware monitoring – Scheduled backups – Email alerts sent if any issues encountered through the monitors
The Value product safeguards a growing business’s online brand and reputation, through proactive updates to protect against malicious attacks. In addition we provide ongoing basic reports summarizing website traffic, which keeps you informed on how effective your site is, allowing you to take action to increase traffic when appropriate.Our Value maintenance plan includes:– Monthly software and plugin updates, more frequently in the case of important security releases – Web application firewall to prevent against malicious traffic – Site monitoring every 20 minutes, with alerts sent if the site becomes unresponsive. We will respond promptly. – Daily malware scan – Daily database backups for transactional sites. – Weekly full backups – Recovery from malware or hacking, up to once per month
For thriving interactive websites with regularly updated content, we will provide proactive attention to comments and search engine ranking, in addition to ensuring the site remains online. Our monthly report provides an additional level of custom Google Analytics detail. The Premium product assumes that the site has been analyzed and optimized**, and we provide ongoing reporting and analysis to maintain its search engine optimization.
* Paid annually in advance
** An initial SEO assessment is not included in the maintenance package pricing